Stream of Consciousness

Who knows? It changes all the time…

Treadmills, Bikes, Weights…Marketing? December 14, 2008

Filed under: marketing — Marilyn @ 3:28 pm
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UPDATE:  This post came up at work, and a co-worker said that it reminded him of Dodgeball (you know, the gym that they were making fun of??).  Here are some Dodgeball quotes.  Take a look at these and then watch the video.  What do you think?

~ Here at Globo Gym we understand that ugliness and fatness are genetic disorders, much like baldness or necrophilia, and it’s only your fault if you don’t hate yourself enough to do something about it.~

~ Of course you’ll still be you in a legal sense, but think of it as a thinner, more attractive, better you than you could ever become without us.~

~ And with our competitively priced on-site cosmetic surgery, we can turn that Frankenstein you see in the mirror every morning into a Franken “Fine”.~

~ Here at Globo Gym, WE’RE BETTER THAN YOU! And we know it!~

In just a few short weeks, we will all be celebrating New Year’s Eve, which will inevitably lead to the traditional resolutions to lose weight, get in shape, eat better, etc.  When choosing a gym, how do you determine whether or not it’s right for you?  Is it the weight equipment, the age of the machines, the perks like saunas and whirlpools, or is it the…marketing?  Yes, marketing.  While I have never directly chosen a gym based on how it markets itself, there is a new one in town that I will never consider joining.  I’ll never even walk through the door, and it’s all because of the message they have sent out as part of their marketing campaign.


I was driving to work last week when I noticed workers putting up a new billboard on a busy corner in town.  It was definitely eye-catching–a close-up of a man’s hairy chest with a single website:  So immediately, I had to check out the website.  It’s a video of a girl in a bath towel, admiring herself in the mirror and berating men for being overweight and ugly.  According to her, these men should get into the gym and rectify their situation of being overweight and unattractive.  Even if they do, however, they will still not be good enough for her.


The billboard is hilarious, and it’s definitely garnered a lot of attention.  I have had several friends ask if I’ve seen the new billboard on South and Russell.  Good job, marketing team.  You’ve created awareness in the consumer’s mind, and you’ve directed them to your website.  But do you have to result to insults to get people through the door?


Gyms are full of staff who are supposed to help people get into shape and feel better about themselves.  Nutritionists help reshape notions about portion control, water intake and food issues.  Personal trainers guide gym newbies through a program to increase strength and fitness levels.  These people come together to improve the quality of life for their clients.  None of these people use negative reinforcement to motivate their clients.  So why associate those attitudes with your establishment at all?


Here are a few ideals tied to the marketing strategies of different gyms that are more positive:





I’ve worked out at several different gyms over the years.  The ones I’ve stuck with are less worried about your appearance, your dating capabilities and your man boobs and more focused on nutrition, encouragement and self-esteem.