Stream of Consciousness

Who knows? It changes all the time…

Dark Chocolate Truffles September 18, 2008

Filed under: marketing — Marilyn @ 11:40 pm
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As I sit here relishing my dark chocolate truffle straight out of the freezer, I keep trying to read up on chocolate and religion (during commercial breaks of The Hills, of course).  It basically was treated as a delicacy in ancient times, even being served in golden goblets.  What’s really interesting, though, is the modern reference of chocolate and religion, even if it’s not directly tied in to a particular religious practice.  Check these out

What’s more amazing to me is the tie between women and chocolate.  Look at these pictures:

Chocolate candies shaped as shoes.
Chocolate candies shaped as shoes.

Sexy Chocolate

When I look at these two pictures, I see chocolate and women in the context of shopping and sex.  It seems that this view may not be just the work of the big marketing machines, either.  Check out this post from Danielle Egan, who examines if, and possibly why, some women actually enjoy chocolate instead of sex.  There seem to be some scientific explanations behind those cravings.  It also seems that women prefer shopping to sex (sorry guys!).

I haven’t quite reached my determination on whether or not women prefer chocolate more than men.  The cold hard figures will be outlined next time.  I do have to say, however, that maybe the marketers did their homework.  Maybe, instead of starting with the chocolate and trying to figure out how to make it fit into an advertising campaign, they first looked at what women want.  After all, women do make most of the purchasing decisions.  Especially when it comes to something that ranks right up there with sex and chocolate…