Stream of Consciousness

Who knows? It changes all the time…

Jon & Kate Should Hibernate May 13, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Marilyn @ 10:29 pm
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It’s hard for me to look at any of the articles about Jon and Kate Gosselin and actually feel bad for them.  The quote in this People article in particular strikes me as absolutely ridiculous.

Ultimately, Kate says she does not know what she can do to stop the insanity. “The scary thing for me is [the tabloids] are going to take information and create a story. It’s a matter of, ‘When will they stop?’ They’re going to keep going, and they’ll make up stuff to connect the dots.”

Um….how about you stop exploiting your family for the sake of money?  You’re not a celebrity.  The only thing you did was give birth to 8 babies and put them on national television.  You invited this scrutiny into your home.  If you want it gone, then send the cameras away.  Focus on your husband and your kids.

Jon has been fodder for celebrity magazines as well.  Apparently he wasn’t aware that sneaking around a bar with a 23-year-old was sketchy.

I’m not suggesting that anyone deserves to have nasty rumors spread all over the Internet and pages of gossip magazines, but in this particular case, when there are kids directly involved, it’s a simple fix.  You should do everything you can to protect your family.  Putting them out there for the world to see, critique, tear down and manipulate is not protecting your family.

On a side note—why is TLC constantly capitalizing on the large family dynamic?  How many of these families would actually be able to support themselves if they didn’t have a TV show?  Which brings me around full circle to ask why people are rewarding this irresponsible behavior by watching the shows, which then creates good ratings, which leads to another year of family spun drama (and in the case of 18 Kids and Counting, another baby).